Below is an incomplete list of former graduate students who did research with the coastal engineering faculty:
Adam Keen, PhD (advisor: Lynett), 2020
Current Position: Coastal Business Class Leader, HDR
webpage: https://www.hdrinc.com/
Research: Google Scholar
Vassilios Skanavis, PhD (advisor: Synolakis), 2020
Current Position: PostDoc, Greece
Research: Google Scholar
Luis Montoya, PhD (advisor: Lynett), 2019
Current Position: Modeler, RMS
webpage: https://www.rms.com/
Research: Google Scholar
Aykut Ayca, PhD (advisor: Lynett), 2018
Current Position: Senior Scientist, FM Global
webpage: https://www.fmglobal.com/
Research: Google Scholar
Sasan Tavakkol, PhD (advisor: Lynett), 2018
Current Position: Research Software Engineer, Google AI
webpage: https://ai.google/
Research: Google Scholar
Hoda el Safty, PhD (advisor: Lynett), 2017
Current Position: PostDoc, Stevens Institute of Technology
webpage: https://www.stevens.edu/
Also a faculty member at Cairo University, Egypt
webpage: https://cu.edu.eg/Home
Research: Google Scholar
Nikos Kalligeris, PhD (advisor: Lynett / Synolakis), 2017
Current Position: Principle Researcher (tenured), National Observatory of Athens
webpage: http://hl-ntwc.gein.noa.gr/
Research: Google Scholar
Haeng Sik-Ko, PhD (advisor: Lynett), 2016
Current Position: Senior Researcher at Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology
webpage: http://www.kiost.ac.kr/eng.do
Research: Google Scholar
Sangyoung Son, PhD (advisor: Lynett), 2012
Current Position: Professor, School of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea University
webpage: http://coastal.korea.ac.kr/
Research: Google Scholar
Arturo Jimenez, MS (advisor: Lynett, while at TAMU), 2011
Current Position: Coastal & Ocean Engineer, Moffatt & Nichol, Houston, TX
webpage: http://www.moffattnichol.com/
Drake Oaks, MS (advisor: Lynett, while at TAMU), 2010
Current Position: Inland Commercial Manager, at SeaRiver Maritime, ExxonMobil subsidiary
webpage: http://www.exxonmobil.com/Corporate/
Dae-Hong Kim, PhD (advisor: Lynett, while at TAMU), 2009
Current Position: Professor at University of Seoul, Korea
webpage: http://uos.ac.kr/
Research: Google Scholar
David Swigler, MS (advisor: Lynett, while at TAMU), 2009
Current Position: Senior Coastal Engineer, Baird & Associates
webpage: https://www.baird.com/
Khairil Irfan Sitanggang, PhD (advisor: Lynett, while at TAMU), 2008
Current Position: Senior System Consultant, at Hexagon
webpage: https://hexagonppm.com/
Also a faculty member at Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
webpage: http://www.itb.ac.id/en/
Lauren Augustin, MS (advisor: Lynett, while at TAMU), 2007
Last Position: Coastal Engineer, HDR-Shiner Moseley, Corpus Christi, TX
webpage: http://www.hdrinc.com/
Jose Borrero, PhD (advisor: Synolakis), 2002
Current Position: Director, Senior Consultant, eCoast
webpage: https://www.ecoast.co.nz/
Current Position: Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Southern California
webpage: http://www.usc.edu/dept/tsunamis
Research: Google Scholar
Christophe Ruscher, PhD (advisor: Synolakis), 1997
Current Position: Consultant, Tsunami Research Center
webpage: http://www.usc.edu/dept/tsunamis
Vasily Titov, PhD (advisor: Synolakis), 1996
Current Position: Senior Scientist, NOAA Center for Tsunami Research
webpage: http://nctr.pmel.noaa.gov/Titov/
Research: Google Scholar
Utku Kanoglu, PhD (advisor: Synolakis), 1996
Current Position: Associate Professor, Middle East Technical University
webpage: http://www.metu.edu.tr/~kanoglu/
Research: Google Scholar
Zhenyou Zhou, PhD (advisor: Synolakis), 1995
Current Position: Venture capitalist