19th century tsunami painting by Japanese artist Katsushita Hokusai.
NEESR-SG: TSUNAMOS: A Validated, Multi-Scale Tsunami Model for Hybrid Numerical-Experimental Simulation
The goals of this project focus on developing sufficient scientific knowledge and appropriate engineering tools on which to base comprehensive tsunami mitigation plans and communicate this information effectively to decision makers, the emergency planning community and the public.
Looking for Undergraduate Researchers! Positions are open for REU students to work at Oregon State University during the Summer of 2008. Students will work on topics related to tsunami wave breaking and runup along irregular coastlines. Information about the REU program at OSU can be found here. Contact Dr. Lynett if you are interested.
Two PostDoc positions available. The Coastal & Ocean Engineering Division of the Department of Civil Engineering at Texas A&M University invites applications for (2) postdoctoral research positions in the area of tsunami wave modeling. Specifically, these two positions will investigate tsunami sources, propagation, and nearshore impact at a number of globally distributed locations. These positions will have a primary focus on numerical model coupling and development of multi-scale simulation capability.